目 录

**1. 什么是自编码器

  1. 为什么要用自编码器
  2. 堆叠自编码器
  3. 自编码器的变体
    4.1 稀疏自编码器
    4.2 去噪自编码器
    4.3 收缩自编码器
    5. 小结
  4. 参考文献**

1. 什么是自编码器(Definition)

2. 为什么要用自编码器 (Motivation)

3. 堆叠自编码器(Stacking Autoencoders)


4. 自编码器的变体 (Autoencoder Variants)

5. 小结

6. 参考文献


[2]Vincent, P., et al. Extracting and Composing Robust Features with Denoising Autoencoders. in the proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine Learning. 2008.

[3]Schölkopf B, Platt J, Hofmann T. Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks[C] International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. MIT Press, 2006:153-160.

[4]Rifai S, Vincent P, Muller X, et al. Contractive Auto-Encoders: Explicit Invariance During Feature Extraction[C] ICML. 2011.

[5]Hou L, Nguyen V, Samaras D, et al. Sparse Autoencoder for Unsupervised Nucleus Detection and Representation in Histopathology Images[J]. 2017.

[6]Sankaran A, Vatsa M, Singh R, et al. Group Sparse Autoencoder[J]. Image & Vision Computing, 2017.

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